IT project management,
at the heart of your company's stakes & challenges
Deploying multi-sites, in several countries, migrating to new equipment, choosing the right hardware... IT projects involve many challenges, whose success requires a solid approach.

Strong technical expertise, with thousands of interventions
per year in France & Europe.
An international, multilingual team, and a network of partners covering many countries.
A complete customization of your project management
depending on your challenges and hardware.
The expert support
level 3 during the execution of the services.
Customization of tracking tools to ensure you get the visibility you expect.
Whether you're a player in retail, industry, SME or government,
your priority is to manage your core business.
To allow you to continue your daily activities in serenity and ensure the execution of your IT projects without unpleasant surprises, IRIS IT is committed to be at your side so that your digital transition impacts as little as possible your operations.
By applying an empirical and structured method, we offer you a tailor-made support for the management of your IT projects, in France as well as internationally, which will aim at reducing as much as possible the risk factors before, during and after the implementation.

You probably already know this, but preparing your project management upstream significantly conditions its success. What are the major risks? The key success factors? The blocking points? What responsibility sharing should we apply between all stakeholders? What SLAs should be respected? These are all questions that we will answer together to offer you a project management that keeps all its promises.
Once the preparation phase is over, IRIS IT will guarantee a daily management in the respect of the fixed conditions and in total support of your teams. Whether you need a partial or total support, we adapt ! Our team is at your service to ensure the project coordination that your structure needs.
You will benefit from a daily follow-up by a dedicated account manager who will coordinate the different services involved (helpdesk, planning, logistics, integration, etc.) and will ensure the expected level of communication and reporting, according to your objectives.
On top of that, a level 3 technician will support our on-site technicians during their interventions.
Need support for your IT projects?
Looking for a maintainer for your equipment?
Our consultants are here to help you!